Remote Debugging (Magic xpa 2.x)
The Remote Debugger lets you debug the user's environment, live.
The Remote Debugger is similar to the Debugger; however, in this mode, your local Debugger, looking at a local copy of the project, is hooked into another copy of the application as a Cabinet file.
The Cabinet file does not have to be local to this machine. In fact, it can be on any server, and since it is working from an .ecf file, it can be a Magic xpa file that is live, in production. You can use this to track down those esoteric bugs that only happen for certain users.
Using the Remote Debugger requires that two Magic xpa engines be working, one that uses the Runtime engine, and one that uses the Studio engine. You do this as follows:
Set the Enable Remote Debugger environment setting to Yes.
Specify the Remote Debugger Port Number environment setting. If you have two applications running at the same time on the same machine, they need to have different port numbers specified.
If you want, you can also specify a Remote Debugger Right. This is done in the Task Properties, before you create the Cabinet (.ecf) file. If you specify a right here, then you will need to login with a User ID that has that right.
Start the Magic xpa Studio, opening the .edp file that corresponds to the .ecf file you are already running.
From the Debug menu, select Attach to a remote engine. The Establish a Connection dialog box opens.
Detaching from the Remote Application