Recursive Magic xpa Components
Magic xpa supports loading of the components recursively. The following diagram depicts the loading of recursive components:
Magic xpa tackles this situation in the following way:
"Objects from recursive components cannot be used in the Main Program's Task refix/Suffix."
"Objects from recursive components cannot be used in any object called from the Main Program's Task Prefix/Suffix."
Only one copy of a component is loaded hence there will be one Main Program (MP) of the component.
Events are handled in the loaded copy. For example, in the diagram above, the instance of B will be reused hence the variables of the MP of B loaded from A and from C will be the same.
Objects from recursive components cannot be used in the Task Prefix (TP) or Task Suffix (TS) of the Main program of the host application, or anything called from the TP/TS.
Recursive component’s user events and user functions cannot be used in the MP.
Component programs cannot be called by CallProg, CallPub, or Call by Exp from the main program.
Since version: 3.3
Nested Magic xpa Component