
Radio Appearance Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Radio Appearance Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)



Mobile Support


The font for the control's text taken from the Application Font repository.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Android and iOS


The color of the control taken from the Application Color repository.

Platform specific: In mobile devices, when a system color is used it will show the operating system's default color for the control.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Android and iOS

Help Screen

Specifies whether a Help screen is associated with this control.

You can zoom to select a Help screen from the Help list.

For Rich Client controls, only help screens of Type=URL are supported.

For Rich Client controls, the URL can point to a server file and not to a Web location. Since version: 1.9

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.


Specifies whether a ToolTip is associated with this control. A number specifies the number of the ToolTip Help in the Help list.

You can enter an expression for a Tooltip so that the Tooltip is dynamic. You can create the expression in Unicode format.

Help Prompt

Specifies whether a Help prompt is associated with this control. You can zoom to select a Help prompt from the Help list.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.


Specifies whether the control will be visible to the user.

Android and iOS


Specifies whether the control will be active.

Android and iOS


The appearance of the control. The options are:

Radio (default) – The control is displayed as a regular radio button.

Button – The control will be displayed as a button. The button is displayed as pressed when the value of the attached data is True, and appears as not pressed when the value is False.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Android and iOS

Border Style

The style of the control's border. The options are 2-D, 3-D Sunken and No Border (default). Since version: 3.1

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.


The appearance of controls. The options are 3-D Sunken (default) and 2-D.

The 2-D and 3-D Sunken styles display a Windows radio button.

See also: Use Windows XP Theme environment setting.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.


Specifies whether the control can contain more than one line of text. The options are:

True – The text entered wraps and continues on additional lines according to the width of the control.

False – The text is displayed on a single line.

This property is not supported when the Appearance property is set to Button.

When this property is set to False, there may be some differences in the bullet spacing in the control when comparing the Studio and Runtime.

This property is available for Online tasks only.

Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal alignment of the text in the control. The options are Left (default), Center, and Right.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.



The vertical alignment of the text in the control. The options are Top, Center (default), and Bottom.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Choice Columns

The number of columns displayed in a Radio Button control.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Image File Name

The image file that will be shown on the control when running on Windows. If you are developing for mobile devices, define your file in the Image List file name property.

The image is displayed in its original size and is aligned in the control according to the Vertical and Horizontal Alignment property values.

In Rich Client tasks, the image file is taken from the server. Since version: 1.9

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.
