
RESTful API Paths Configuration (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

RESTful API Paths Configuration (Magic xpi 4.14)

Path is a part of the RESTful URL. Path along with other parameters will be appended to server URL in order to form complete RESTful API invocation URL.

Clicking the Paths button will open a window with two panes. The pane on the left side will allow the user to add, remove or copy and duplicate Path Names. The user can define dynamic path parameters by enclosing the path parameters' names within curly braces ({}). For example, Product/{id}/customers. The user can set the values for dynamic path parameters in the Data Mapper.

The HTTP method for this path can be set in the Method dropdown next to the path name. All standard HTTP methods are supported.

  • The characters [space] < > | \ ^~ # % are not allowed in Paths.

  • The Path parameters should be enclosed in {}.

The pane on the right side will allow the user to configure Query Parameters, Header Parameters, Cookies Parameters, Request and Response Parameters. Here, the user can use the up and down arrow keys to select the parameter and edit the value.

When a copy of a Path name is created on the left pane, the values of the related parameters also get copied and duplicated. The duplicate path is created with the name same as the existing path name suffixed with the text _Copy. The Query Parameters, Header Parameters and Form Parameters linked to the path name are also duplicated during the Copy operation.

The configuration is completed on pressing the OK button and aborted on pressing the Cancel button.

  • Query Parameters:

The Query Parameters tab lets the user view and configure the following parameters:

Parameter Name



Enter the Query Parameter name.

Default Value

Provide the default value.

The Add button adds a new Query Parameters line.

The Delete button deletes the highlighted Query Parameters line.

  • Header Parameters:

The Header Parameters tab lets the user view and configure the following parameters:

Parameter Name



Enter the Header Parameter name.

Default Value

Provide the default value.

The Add button adds a new Header Parameters line.

The Delete button deletes the highlighted Header Parameters line.

  • Cookies Parameters:

The Cookies Parameters tab lets the user view and configure the following parameters:

Parameter Name



Enter the Cookies Parameter name.

Default Value

Provide the default value.

  • Request Parameters:

The Request Parameters tab lets the user view and configure the following parameters:

Parameter Name



Enter the Form Parameter - Request name.

Part Type

This is a multi-select grid field. Click to open the Part Type.

The supported Part Types are:

  • Attachment

  • Text

Content Type

This is a multi-select grid field. Click to open the Content Type. Alternatively, the user can Add or Delete other Content Types.

The supported Content Types are:

  • Application/pdf

  • Application/json

  • Application/xml

  • Image/jpeg

  • Image/png

  • Multipart/form-data

  • Text/plain

  • Text/html

  • Text/xml


This is a multi-select grid field. Click to open Encoding. Alternatively, the user can Add or Delete other Encodings.

The supported Encoding are:

  • Binary

  • UTF-8

The Add button adds a new Form Parameter - Request line.

The Delete button deletes the highlighted Form Parameter - Request line.

  • Response Parameters:

The Response Parameters tab lets the user view and configure the following parameters:

Parameter Name



Enter the Form Parameter - Response name.

Part Type

This is a multi-select grid field. Click to open the Part Type.

The supported Part Types are:

  • Attachment

  • Text

Content Type

This is a multi-select grid field. Click to open the Content Type.

The supported Content Types are:

  • Application/pdf

  • Application/json

  • Application/xml

  • Image/jpeg

  • Image/png

  • Multipart/form-data

  • Text/plain

  • Text/html

  • Text/xml


This is a multi-select grid field. Click to open Encoding.

The supported Encoding are:

  • Binary

  • UTF-8

The Add button adds a new Form Parameter - Response line.

The Delete button deletes the highlighted Form Parameter - Response line.

Newly added or removed Query, Header, Cookie, Request, and Response parameters in the service will not automatically update in the existing trigger until the user selects the existing trigger and opens it.
