
Publish and Subscribe Utilities (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Publish and Subscribe Utilities (Magic xpi 4.14)

Publish and Subscribe (PSS) utilities are a means of distributing information in your network. PSS lets you define an event so that when the event occurs in your integration project, the event is published. You can also configure events to subscribe to published events. When a published event occurs, flows that are subscribed to the event are invoked.

Events that can be subscribed or published to are entered in the PSS Topics Repository. Topics in this repository can be defined as an event when configuring any of the PSS utilities.

To add a PSS topic to the repository:

  1. In the Solution Explorer, double-click PSS Topics to open the PSS Topics Repository in the main pane. Alternatively, you can open the PSS Topics Repository by pressing SHIFT+F8.

  2. Click Add to create a new entry.

  3. Click in the Topic Name column and enter a name for the PSS topic. The Topic Name can contain up to 30 characters. The Topic Name cannot contain any of the following characters: [space] ~ ` ! @ # , % ^ & * - = + ( ) { } [ ] | " ? / \ < > ; or more than one dot (.).

  4. Press Tab to move to the Description column and enter a short description for the topic. This is optional but it is recommended that you enter a description that will help you remember what the topic does.

  5. Click Save to save the new data.

You can permanently delete a PSS topic from the repository by selecting it and clicking Delete.

The following PSS utilities are available:

PSS Remove: This utility removes specified events from the PSS system.

  • You cannot add duplicate names to the PSS Topics Repository.

  • PSS topics are automatically given the letter P as a prefix.

  • If an invalid entry is used, Magic xpi displays an error icon . A tooltip describes the error. Since version: 4.5

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