
Project Properties (Magic xpi 4.7)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Project Properties

The Project Properties window lets you define the properties for a new project or edit the properties for an existing project. To open the dialog box from an existing project, select the Project menu and click <Project Name> Properties.

  • You cannot change the project configuration if you are viewing it in the Magic xpi Monitor.

  • If you make changes in the Resources section or in the Services section of the Settings dialog box, by loading the contents of a different resource or service file, the project's properties are not updated.

The window has the following sections:





This read-only field displays the project name that you entered in the New Project dialog box.


Enter in this field text describing your project.


A read-only field indicating the date and time that the project was last saved.


A read-only field indicating the person or organization responsible for the project. The Owner parameter is specified in the Magic.ini file, where it can be changed.


A descriptive-purposes field to denote your project version, with no connection to Magic xpi versions.

Project Data Encoding

Select the default encoding used for the output XML produced by the Data Mapper. You can also overwrite the default encoding for each Data Mapper Destination XML (or XML Destination) in the XML File Encoding property in the XML Properties dialog box. For a list of the language sets supported by Magic xpi, see Supported Encoding.

Resource Settings File

Click to select the resource file name that you want to use in the Studio. When you select a resource file name in this way, it is loaded straight away for immediate use. The resource properties are saved in the <current project>\Repositories\ProjectProperties.ibr file.

This field supports environment variables.

Services Settings File

Click to select the services file name that you want to use in the Studio. When you select a services file name in this way, it is loaded straight away for immediate use. The services properties are saved in the <current project>\Repositories\ProjectProperties.ibr file.

This field supports environment variables.

The security settings in this section are not currently supported.


Send Error Email To

When the server starts or shuts down, a message will be sent to this administrator email recipient. In addition, you can set notification by email for each error line defined in the Error Policies repository. This notification will be sent to the administrator recipient.

Monitor User

Your user name for entering the Magic Monitor. The user name is case sensitive.

Monitor Password

Your password for entering the Magic Monitor.

Resource Name

From the drop-down list, select an Email resource that you have previously defined in the Settings dialog box's Resources section. If you have not already defined any Email resources, you can click the New link to do this now. This link is enabled when you enter a valid email in the Send Error Email To field (above). When you use this link, a new resource is automatically created for you. You only need to name the resource, and enter its values.

Resource Description

Displays the resource description that you entered in the Settings dialog box's Resources section. This field is read-only.

Clear Mode Settings

Determines whether the server should clear ODS information upon startup.

When you have finished, click OK to save the details and to close the dialog box. If you want to close the dialog box without saving the details, click Cancel.
