Processing Mode (Magic xpi 3.x)
Each step and sub-process in your integration project can be processed in one of several processing modes. Definition of the processing mode should be closely correlated to data latency considerations, as well as resource availability (including the number of available threads).
Linear steps run in a sequential order, one after the other, depending on the order and levels defined in the flow. Only a single linear step can run in each level. A linear step can wait for the completion of any other parallel step (or steps) defined at the same level.
Parallel steps run at the same time as other steps that are defined on the same level. Internal definitions, such as flow variables and error management, will be allocated from the parent step. The Wait for completion option gives you the ability to split and re-group your process, based on your needs.
A component with the stand alone processing mode is executed at the same time as another step in the flow (in the same way as a Parallel step). However, it is executed independently of the flow. When this happens, the Wait for completion option is not available.