
Printing Events (Magic xpa 3.x)

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Created ByKnowledge Migration User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Printing Events (Magic xpa 3.x)

Event Name


Keyboard Mapping

Samples Projects

Page Footer

This event is invoked before the Page Footer form defined in the I/O properties is printed.

The event will be invoked only if there is a page footer form declaration in the I/O properties.

During this event, you cannot output any forms to this I/O.

RP09, RRP09

Page Header

This event is invoked before the Page Header form defined in the I/O properties is printed.

The event is invoked only if there is a page header form declaration in the I/O properties.

During this event, you cannot output any forms to this I/O.

RP09, RP11,
RRP09, RRP11

Print Data

This event is used to give your end users the ability to print data or to export data from a table into an Excel file. The event can be raised globally (such as by using a toolbar icon or a menu entry) or in specific programs.

This event includes the type parameter, which can have the following values (Since version: 3.2a):

  • If the type is 0 or is not set, the Print Data wizard will be launched.

  • If the type is 1, the table's data will be exported into an Excel file.

  • If the type is 2, the table's data will be displayed in a chart. A screen will be displayed and the end user can select what columns to display in the chart and what type of chart to display. Then, the chart and the data will be exported into an Excel file.

In order for this event to work, the Print Data task property must be set to Yes.

If the export into an Excel file is not working in runtime, click here to see possible solutions.


RP13, RRP13

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