
Post Setup Wizard Configuration Steps (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Post Setup Wizard Configuration Steps (Magic xpi 4.14)

Configuring the Windows Service User

In all of the application servers, go to the Services control panel and change the service user to a user with enough privileges to access all resources required by the project. For example, the user should have permission to read and write to the network drive holding the projects.

Installing the Server License

Magic xpi 4.x requires a license to run:

  1. Copy the license file that you received after purchase, and copy it to all of the servers, or to the shared location.

  2. For all three servers, modify the Magic.ini file with the license file location by updating the [MAGIC_ENV] LicenseFile entry to point to the shared license file.
    For example: LicenseFile =\\\licenses\License.dat

  3. Make sure that your project’s ifs.ini file is configured with the production license (i.e. [MAGIC_ENV]LicenseName = IBPRSRVI for a Windows machine).

The first use of the Host Locked License has to be from the host for which the license is registered.

Installing and Connecting to IMM Middleware (Since version: 4.14)


The following tools are required for accessing, deploying and managing the IMM middleware:

· Windows Host running the IMM installer with:

o Kubernetes CLI (kubectl)

o Helm

o PuTTY or any equivalent SSH and Telnet client

o Chocolatey (choco) or equivalent package manager (optional)

· A Linux server with Kubernetes up and running

Installing Required Tools

The primary prerequisites, Kubernetes CLI and helm can be installed using different methods. In this document we will follow the approach of installing these tools using Chocolatey package manager. The Magic xpi installer also ships the inst_k8s_tools.bat batch file for doing the setup.

To begin with, let’s start installing Chocolatey.

Installing Chocolatey

Chocolatey being the package manager, you need to install it as an administrator.

Open PowerShell as Administrator on the Windows machine.

Run following command to install Chocolatey

Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))

Installing Kubernetes CLI and Helm

Once Chocolatey is successfully installed, we can use it to install Kubernetes CLI and Helm.

Open Command Prompt as administrator and run the following commands:

• choco install kubernetes-cli

• choco install kubernetes-helm

Machine restart may be required after installing the required tools.

Getting the Kubeconfig

The Kubernetes CLI (kubectl) interacts with the server defined in a config file usually placed in your user profile folder. Let’s get this config file from the server running Kubernetes using an SSH/Telnet tool.

Note, Kubeconfig is a YAML file with all the Kubernetes cluster details, certificates, and secret token to authenticate the IMM cluster.

To setup this file,

· Open Putty or equivalent software and SSH into the host machine where IMM Cluster is setup. Once Putty connects, run the following command

microk8s config > config

· Copy the output of this command.

· Copy the output file "config" to your Windows host under the %UserProfile%/.kube folder. If this folder does not exist, you can create the folder by running the following two commands from Command Prompt.

  • cd /D %UserProfile%

  • mkdir .kube

· Test the configuration using the following command

kubectl cluster-info

· On executing the command successfully it will show the IMM Cluster details.

Accessing IMM Host

If the IMM host address you provided during the installation is not a publicly accessible host, then you need to set it in the hosts file.

Open the hosts file at location C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc in a text editor.

Add an entry to this file in the format below:

<IP Address of Microk8s Cluster Host > <Host Domain Name>

For example, if you have given the host as and the IP Address of the machine is then the entry will look like

Starting IMM

To start IMM, do the steps given below:

· Go to the <Magic xpi installation>\InMemoryMiddleware\deploy folder.

· Open the Command Prompt and run the deploy-imm.bat batch file. The file takes the following arguments in order. If none of the arguments are not provided, then it will setup the cluster with default values.


o GLOBAL_SETTINGS_PATH: Provide the path of the In this file you can configure the properties for time interval and retry mechanism for IMM startup and initialization.

o DB_ALERT_CONFIG_PATH - Provide the path of the file. In this file you can configure the email alerts for any critical state, high CPU utilization and Memory usage in IMM.

o LOGBACK_PATH: Provide the path of the logback.xml. In this file you can configure the loggers, appenders and change the log level for the different xpi components.

o MONITOR_CONFIG_PATH: Provide the path to the monitor config file. In this file you can configure the SSO login for xpi monitor and change the Locale (language) namely English (en-US) or Japanese (jp-JP) for the same.

If no arguments are provided, then the setup will pick the required values from the configuration files (except DB Alert) in the config folder. The DB Alert default file will be picked from Runtime\config folder.

· Once the IMM setup is complete, you can check whether all PODs are running in the IMM Cluster using the following command:

kubectl get pods –n <Namespace>

For example,
kubectl get pods –n magic-xpi-imm-ns

You can also confirm if all the services are running by running the URLs in the browser.

• Magic monitor: https://[IMM Domain Name]/magicmonitor/#/auth/login For example,

• IMM-Tunnel https://[IMM Domain Name]/immtunnel For example,

  • The time and timezone values on the machine running the IMM-Agent and the IMM Host machine must be the same. Different values for time and timezones may result in incorrect execution of the Recovery policy.

Timezone Setting for xpi Monitor

The timezone for xpi Monitor can be defined using the TZ environment variable under the immMonitor deployment section of the values.yaml file located in the <Magi xpi installation>\InMemoryMiddleware\deploy folder. This timezone will be used by the xpi monitor to display the time based on the timezone defined on all the tabs in the Monitor. The default time zone is US/Central. You can change it as per your requirement.

Starting the Agent

To start the agent,

· Go to <Magic xpi installation>\InMemoryMiddleware\agent and run the imm-agent.exe application from Command Prompt.
To do that run the following from Command Prompt:

After the above command is executed run the

· There is no need to download or install any additional certificates.

The IMM-Agent should always be in a running state before running or debugging xpi projects

Configuring Multiple Network Cards (Optional)

If your application servers have multiple network cards, configure the use of a specific card for the Magic xpi 4.x server, as follows:

Modify the NIC_ADDR value found in the <Magic xpi installation>\InMemoryMiddleware\agent\.env file to hold either the IP assigned to this network card or the name of the network card itself.

For example: NIC_ADDR= or NIC_ADDR="#eth0:ip#", where eth0 is the name of the network card.

The host name or IP address should not be surrounded by quotation marks.
