
Post Setup Wizard Configuration Steps (Magic xpi 4.12)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Post Setup Wizard Configuration Steps (Magic xpi 4.12)

Configuring the Windows Service User

In all of the application servers, go to the Services control panel and change the service user to a user with enough privileges to access all resources required by the project. For example, the user should have permission to read and write to the network drive holding the projects.

Configuring the Internal Database

In all of the application servers except the first one (where the setup program already configured this property), modify the <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\config\datasource.xml file to match the first installed server.

Installing the Server License

Magic xpi 4.x requires a license to run:

  1. Copy the license file that you received after purchase, and copy it to all of the servers, or to the shared location.

  2. For all three servers, modify the Magic.ini file with the license file location by updating the [MAGIC_ENV] LicenseFile entry to point to the shared license file.
    For example: LicenseFile =\\\licenses\License.dat

  3. Make sure that your project’s ifs.ini file is configured with the production license (i.e. [MAGIC_ENV]LicenseName = IBPRSRVI for a Windows machine).

The license file should be activated on one of the hosts in the cluster, and this host must start one of the Magic xpi engines. Once the license is loaded to the Space by this engine, it can be used by any of the other engines on the cluster.

Configuring Multiple Network Cards (Optional)

If your application servers have multiple network cards, configure the use of a specific card for the Magic xpi 4.x server, as follows:

  1. Modify the NIC_ADDR value found in the <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\GigaSpaces-xpi\bin\magicxpi-setenv.bat file to hold either the IP assigned to this network card or the name of the network card itself.
    For example: NIC_ADDR= or NIC_ADDR="#eth0:ip#", where eth0 is the name of the network card.


You can find the network cards’ IPs and names by running the platform-info.bat –verbose script and looking for the IPs and names in the Network Interfaces Information section, or by looking at one of the GSA logs created under the <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\GigaSpaces\logs folder.

You can extract the platform-info.bat file from the folder located at <Magic xpi installation folder>\Runtime\GigaSpaces\bin

Then, look for the section called Network Interfaces Information.

  1. Add the NIC_ADDR value to the Magic.ini file’s jvm_args section: -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<your network card IP address here>

The host name or IP address should not be surrounded by quotation marks.
