Port Usage (Magic xpa 4.x)
The broker publishes one port (in the mgrb.ini file – BrokerPort), and only this port should be used.
This is the port that the broker listens to and waits for requests from. The default is 5115. The broker reserves the subsequent port (by default 5116) for internal purposes.

To start the broker on a specific IP address, use the extended syntax of the BrokerPort entry (in the mgrb.ini file) – BrokerPort = n.n.n.n/n.
A common problem might occur if the interfacing components of the partitioning architecture (requests, enterprise servers) use a different port or don’t use any port – in this case the default port (2001) will be used. In particular, the Internet requesters are sensitive to such problems, since their default directory is the default directory of the Web server, and it might be different from the directory in which the mgreq.ini file was placed.
To resolve such ambiguity problems, the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/MAGIC/MGREQ can be used to specify the directory in which the mgreq.ini for the internet requesters was placed.