Placing a Component in a Flow (Magic xpi 4.1)
The Studio’s flow area has two places where you can add components. You can add components in the main area or you can add components in the Trigger Components section.
To insert a component:
In the Navigation pane, select a flow.
From the Components pane, select a component and drag it onto an existing component in the View area. If the component is the first step (a step can be a component or a service that you drag from the Component repository) in the flow, drag it directly into the View area. If you want the component to be a trigger component, drag it to the Trigger Components area at the top of the Editor.
You can manage component placement in these ways:
If you drop a new component on an existing component, the new component is inserted as a child.
You can press SHIFT and drop a new component on top of an existing component. Then select one of the following from the drop-down menu:
Make as Parent
Make as Child
You can copy and paste steps and branches between flows. For more information, click here.
You cannot move a branch to an asynchronous branch.
You can make changes to components' properties and configurations after placing them in a flow. You can do one or more of the following to make changes to a component's configuration:
Right-click and select Properties to open the Component Properties dialog box, and make any necessary changes.
Right-click and select Configuration to open the configuration dialog box for that component. The Method configuration dialog box opens, depending on the type of interface the component uses. If the component is configured using the XML interface, the Source/Destination dialog box opens.
Right-click and select Map to open the Data Mapper for components that use the XML interface.
You can point to a component and a tooltip opens displaying the component’s properties at a glance.