Performing Remote Operations with TortoiseGit
You can Pull from and/or Push your changes into Git repository as follows:
You can publish your new local commits on a remote server using Push operation. Simply, Push uploads the contents of local repository to a remote repository. You can synchronize local and remote Git repository in Git Synchronization dialog box (Version Control > Git Sync) that provides Push/Pull operations.

For more information, visit
Manage the URL
You can set TortoiseGit remote URL as follows:
Set Remote to be the name of the remote (usually the default one is called ‘origin’).
Set URL of the Remote to be the URL of the local file system.
Set Push URL of the Remote to be different URL if you don’t want the same URL to Push. If you want the same URL, let this field be empty.
Click OK.

For more information, visit
Connecting Magic xpa with Git Repository