Part of Datetime (Magic xpa 4.x)
Modern databases usually support a variation of a Datetime field. This kind of field contains a combination of a date and time, which provides an exact time stamp, for example May 3rd, 10:00 PM. Magic xpa provides functionality to combine the Date and Time fields to the same SQL database field.
Although the Part of Datetime property is displayed for Date and Time columns or virtual fields in a Direct SQL task, it is only enabled for Date fields, meaning that selecting the Time field does not enable this property. In addition, the supported storage for a Date variable, which is based on a Datetime data type, can only be String Date.
The Part of Datetime property value is a reference to the Time field in the same database table, which together with the Date field combines the Datetime value in the SQL database.

The Part of Datetime property is available for SQL tables and ISAM AS/400 files (not for other ISAM files).
You can zoom from this property to select the Time value.
When a field that is Part of Datetime, either the Date or Time, is deleted, the datetime value is canceled and the column or field behaves like a regular Date or Time field. All its properties are enabled and their values return to what they were before the field became Part of Datetime.
If you change the data attribute to either the Date or Time field that is Part of Datetime, Magic xpa displays a confirmation box that informs you that changing the attribute will break the datetime connection and asks if you want to continue. If you click Yes, the datetime value is canceled.
There is no limitation on the number of Datetime pairs that can be defined for a single data source.
Other properties that define the column in the database table are visible only from the Date field. In the Time field, they are not visible because their values are automatically inherited from the property values entered for the Date field. These properties are:
Database Default
DB Column Name
User Type
DB Info
If the property values of the Date field are inherited from a model, and a property value is changed in the model, the property value for the Time field is also changed. However, if the property values of the Time field are inherited from a model, these properties will no longer inherit their values from the Time field model as long as the Time field is Part of Datetime.
Datetime Runtime Behavior
Get Definition of a Datetime field