Parameters (Magic xpa 2.x)
You can define data attributes that can be used to pass data values back and forth between the application and user-defined event.
To open the Parameters repository, you can zoom from the Parameters column in the Events repository. The Event Parameters repository includes the following columns:
You must enter a descriptive name. If you intend to associate a Model with a column, you can leave the column name blank and Magic xpa automatically enters the model name. The maximum length for a Parameter name is thirty characters.
You can double-click the Model property to access the Field Model list. Field models have the following attributes:
All field model qualifiers are inherited by the column.
If the Parameter name is empty, it is set to the field model’s name.
Select one of the Magic xpa attributes.
For an Alpha attribute, the minimum picture required is its length. In addition, you can enter other picture specifications as needed.
For a Numeric attribute, the minimum picture required is the number of its integer digits, a decimal point, and the number of decimal digits.
For Logic, Time, or Date attributes, you can accept the suggested picture or you can add other picture specifications as required.
Vector items are stored in Magic xpa without any data interpretation. No picture is available.
BLOB items are binary objects stored, in Magic xpa, without any data interpretation. Therefore, Magic xpa cannot create a BLOB item picture.
When you define an event handler, Magic xpa displays a confirmation dialog box in the Logic Editor, prompting you to decide whether the event handler accepts parameters. When you click Yes, the defined event parameters are entered. When a new parameter type is added to the event handler, the parameters for the new event are appended.
Once a value is set for a variable in a handler/function, it will remain and will not be cleared in other calls to this handler/function.