OData Resource (Magic xpi 4.6)
OData resources contain the following parameter (a parameter in bold is mandatory):
Root URL
The OData service root URL.
Enter the required root URL or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as a root URL.
Metadata Headers
The HTTP headers for retrieving the OData service’s metadata. Click the Headers button (below) to enter the required HTTP header information.
This field is applicable only in the resource and is not used during runtime.
OData resources also give you the following buttons:
Get Metadata
Click this button to retrieve the OData service’s metadata.
Click this button to open the Entity List. Here, you select the required OData entities. Prior to selecting the entities, you need to retrieve the metadata by clicking the Get Metadata button (above).
Click this button to open the Headers dialog box. Here, you can provide HTTP headers for retrieving the OData service’s metadata. The headers should be entered as key value pairs, with a line break between the pairs. For example:
Authorization: Bearer TXkgQWNjZXNzIFRva2Vu Accept: application/json