
ODS Repository (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

ODS Repository (Magic xpi 4.14)

You use the ODS Repository to create ODS entries. An ODS entry is the same as a user key. Each entry can contain data or arrays of data. In most cases you must create the ODS entry first and then you configure a flow to manage the data. See Operational Data Storage (ODS) for a description of ODS data.

You create ODS entries in the ODS Repository. The ODS Repository maintains all static ODS entry names and descriptions and lets you select an ODS entry to be used when managing ODS data using the Data Mapper or Flow Data utilities.

To add an ODS entry to the repository:

  1. In the Repositories section of the Solution Explorer, double-click on ODS to open the ODS Repository. Alternatively, you can open the ODS Repository by pressing SHIFT+F6.

  2. Click Add to create a new entry. The next line becomes active when you click Add.

  3. Enter the following information in the repository's columns.




Enter the name of the ODS data. This is the User Key. The name can contain up to 30 characters. The name cannot contain any of the following characters: [space] ~ ` ! @ # , % ^ & * - = + ( ) { } [ ] | " ? / \ < > ; or more than one dot (.).


Enter a description that helps to identify the purpose for the data. This is optional.


Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Global (default): Saves data between flows. All flows can retrieve the data.

  • Local: Saves data in the ODS database for a particular flow for use by parallel steps in the same flow. The data is cleared from the ODS when the particular flow is completed.

  1. When you finish entering the required information, click OK to close the repository and to save the data.

  2. To delete an entry, select a topic in the repository and click Delete to permanently remove the topic from the repository. Before deleting an entry, you should make sure that it is not used in other places in your project. You can do this by running the Find Reference utility.

  • If you change the scope of a ODS that you defined in the ODS Repository, the change will not be reflected when the ODS is used as a Destination type in the Data Mapper. For example, if you define a global ODS called ODS1, and you then change its scope to local, a global ODS will be created instead of a local ODS when the project is executed.

  • You cannot add duplicate names to the ODS Repository, and the name field cannot be left empty.

  • ODS variables are automatically given the letter O as a prefix. Since version: 4.5

  • If an invalid entry is used, Magic xpi displays an error icon . A tooltip describes the error. Since version: 4.5

  • When the name of a Dynamic ODS for Update or Insert operation exceeds the limit of 30 characters, an error "The ODS name exceeds the limit of 30 characters." is thrown. Since version: 4.7.7
