Navigation for Mobile Devices
Window navigation
As described above, mobile devices support a simple stacked window model. Each application can open multiple windows, but each new window is stacked on top of previous windows and is inherently modal.
Closing the current window and returning to the previous window can be done either by raising the internal Exit event or using the built-in capabilities of the mobile devices:
Note: The ‘Back’ button is inactive when the client is busy and the spinner is displayed.
Application termination
The application can be closed either by raising the internal Exit System event or using the built-in capabilities of the mobile devices:
Android – using the ‘Back’ button from the first screen of the application
iOS – using the close button (‘X’) on the window title bar from the first screen of the application (if the window was defined to open a System menu)
When pressing the mobile device’s ‘Home’ button, the application will remain running in the background.
Note: When terminating the application in other ways (such as from the Task Manager), the context on the server will not be released automatically. It will be released after the context timeout period.
Context menus are only available at the form level.
Menus are created when the task is created and they are not changed during the task execution.
Only first level menus are supported.
New projects are created with a Default Pulldown menu, which is designed for an MDI application. Since there is no MDI in mobile devices, it is recommended to remove this default entry when developing a mobile application.
You can define a menu entry that will be shown when clicking on the menu button by setting the Context Menu form property.
On iOS devices, if a context menu is defined, an icon will be seen on the toolbar.
Navigation Drawer
On Android and iOS devices, you can define a menu entry that will be shown as a navigation drawer (left-side menu as in Google Play) by setting the Navigation Drawer Menu form property. Since version: 2.5
On Android devices:
You can change the native color of the navigation drawer's indication icon color. For more information, see: Native Color Customization.
You can customize the appearance of the navigation drawer by changing the navigation_drawer.xml file located in the RIAModules\Android\Source\app\src\main\res\layout folder.
Touch events
For touch devices, the devices' touch events are maps to the appropriate Magic xpa actions, as follows:
“Touch”, “click” or “tap” events – Equivalent to the desktop mouse-click behavior. These events move the focus between fields on a form. Touching on selection controls changes the controls’ selection. Touching on buttons triggers the buttons’ event.
“Press” event – Raises the control's operating system context menu. On Android devices, if a context menu is assigned to the control, then pressing on a control will raise the Magic xpa context menu.
“Swipe” events are used to scroll in the form or control.