.NET Assembly Selection (Magic xpa 4.x)
The .NET Assembly Selection dialog box contains the following tabs:
.NET – Displays all the .NET assemblies along with their versions and path, taken from the GAC (Global Assembly Cache). If they do not exist in the GAC, they will be loaded from the path defined in the CRR. Only assemblies whose Processor Architecture is set to MSIL are shown. This tab has a Version column, which displays the .NET Framework version of the assembly. If you have several versions of the .NET Framework installed on your computer you will see several entries for the same assembly.
Browse – You can browse to select any dll including external dlls. This enables you to select the assemblies that are not registered on your machine.
Recent – Displays all the .NET assemblies recently selected by the user (for all projects).
This dialog box appears when you zoom from an empty entry in the CRR's Name column.
You can select multiple assemblies.

When using different versions of the same assembly in components, only one version will be loaded.
3rd-party .NET assemblies defined in the CRR will not be downloaded to the client automatically if used in an Offline program.
If your Offline programs use 3rd-party .NET assemblies, you should either install them on the client or use the ServerFileToClient function to copy the assembly to the client on initial startup.