.NET Assembly Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)
The .NET Assembly Properties dialog box displays the assembly's details. All of the properties are read only except the Path and Specific Version properties.
You access this dialog box by pressing Alt+Enter from a .NET component.
The properties are as follows:
The value of the Culture field from the assembly metadata.
The value of the Title field from the assembly metadata.
Security identity of the referenced assembly.
Location of the file being referenced.
Any change in the field value will reload the assembly.
It is recommended to use a logical name for this field.
Once an assembly is required, the assembly will first be loaded from the Global Assembly Cache (GAC).
If the assembly is not found on the GAC, then:
In an Online project, the assembly will be loaded from this path.
In a RIA project, for assemblies required for non-Offline programs, the server will take the assemblies from this path and copy them to the client.
If your Offline programs use 3rd-party .NET assemblies, you should either install them on the client or use the ServerFileToClient function to copy the assembly to the client on initial startup.
See also .NET Deployment Considerations.
Reference has resolved to a path.
Runtime Version
Version of the .NET runtime that this assembly was compiled against.
Specific Version
Indicates whether this reference is to a specific version of an assembly.
Strong Name
True indicates that the reference has been signed with a key-pair.
The version of the reference.

When using different versions of the same assembly in components, only one version will be loaded. If you need to select an assembly with a different version, you need to restart the Studio (and not just the project).
If you change a .NET DLL, you need to reload it in the CRR.
If the assembly is not from the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) and the assembly has dependency assemblies (that is, assemblies that are required by this assembly), the dependency assemblies should be defined above the current assembly.