Mobile Preview Pane (Magic xpa 4.x)
When developing for mobile platforms, you can preview the Display forms that you are developing by using the Mobile Preview pane. You access this by clicking the mobile button
from the toolbar, by opening the View menu and selecting the Mobile Preview Pane option or by pressing Ctrl+Alt+P.
This lets you play around with the placement and size of the controls and see how the controls will appear on various mobile devices. The preview only shows an approximation of the form and controls. Some controls (such as a check box) might appear differently on the devices.
From the floating pane you can select which mobile device you want to preview, such as iPhone 6. Next to the name of the device, you will see the dimensions of the device. The options that appear here are defined in the Magic.ini file's [MAGIC_DEVICES] section or in the Mobile Device repository.
You can also click
to the right of the device list to change the orientation of the preview and the zooming.
Controls that are not supported for mobile devices, appear as a crossed out rectangle:
Since version: 3.0