The following Technical Notes deal with miscellaneous issues in Magic xpa:
Configuring Magic xpa Partitioning Components to Use IP Addresses
Date and Time Functions with Database Date and Time Values
DDExec Function in Magic xpa Applications
Using HTTP Functions with an At Sign Character in the User Name or Password
Error While Accessing Magic xpa Help
Opening a URL Containing Blanks
Magic xpa Beeps when Used as an Enterprise Server
Magic xpa Uses 100% CPU Capacity
Using a Runtime Application List with Magic xpa
Using Magic xpa and HASP
Using Debugging Tools to Debug Magic xpa
Using the User-Mode Dump Heap (UMDH) to Debug Magic
Renaming the Runtime Executable
Analyzing a Project Using XMLGet
Creating an SSL Certificate to Work with the LDAP Functions that Require Passwords
Installing Both Magic xpa 3.x and Magic xpi 4.x on the Same Computer