Method Details - COM Builder (Magic xpa 2.x)
The Method Details screen lists all the methods defined for the object. These methods are mostly selected public programs of the current project that are available as methods by using the COM interface. For a local engine type, the COM builder creates two predefined methods.
This screen includes the following fields:
Method Name
This is the method name as specified in the COM interface. The method name can be changed, but it cannot contain illegal characters nor can the name have digits as the prefix.
Public Name
Automatically displays the public name of the selected program. This field cannot be modified.
Help Key
You can enter a number that can be set to open a help page. The help key cannot be more than four digits.
Help String
You can enter a help message up to 512 characters.
When you select the Local engine, Magic xpa automatically displays the predefined methods, MagicEngineLoad and MagicEngineUnload, in the Method Details screen. These methods cannot be modified except for the help key and help string.