
Merge Form Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Merge Form Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)


The Model property lets you:

  • Select another model

  • Display the default form properties

  • Disinherit/inherit all properties


File Name

Specifies the location and name of the HTML file to be used in the Merge form. Logical Names are allowed. You can zoom from this column to choose a file from the Open File dialog box. You can also use an expression that will dynamically evaluate to the location and name of the HTML file to be used.

Token Prefix

Defines the prefix for merge tags in the template (default: <!$).

The merge mechanism searches for tags that begin and end with the specified strings (the Token Prefix and Token Suffix) and replaces the values according to the matches found in the Tags Table.

Token Suffix

Defines the suffix for merge tags in the template (default: >).

The merge mechanism searches for tags that begin and end with the specified strings (the Token Prefix and Token Suffix) and replaces the values according to the matches found in the Tags Table.

Tags Table

Defines data elements that are matched with and replaced by the appropriate merge tags in the associated HTML template. For more information, see the section on the Template File Tags.

Form Name

This name appears in the browser’s title bar when the form is displayed. The corresponding HTML code is <TITLE>Form Name</TITLE>

XML Output

When creating an XML file, there are some character values that may not be used in the XML data, for example: <>. If XML Output is set to Yes, any merged character value will be converted to a valid XML value. If an expression is specified, the value will only be calculated the first time the merged form is used and will not be recalculated.

All attributes should be converted because reserved characters may be used as part of the format of any variable or expression.



Determines the left position of the form.


Determines the top position of the form.


Determines the width of the form.


Determines the height of the form.
