Managed Requesters (Magic xpa 2.x)
If you want your .NET application, such as ASP.NET or a .NET web service, to interact with Magic xpa, you should call Magic xpa via the MgRequester.dll. The MgRequester.dll library and a sample test project can be found in the MgRequester.ZIP file under the support folder.
To run the sample test project, you need to:
Define an application in the Mgrb.ini file as follows:
Server Sample = MgxpaRuntime.exe /DeploymentMode=B /StartApplication=[unzipped folder of]\\Server Sample\\Server Sample.ecf /LicenseName=MGENT1 /MaxConcurrentUsers=-1,,,,0,1
Copy the requester libraries to the application folder as follows:
For 64-bit requesters: Copy the MgRequester.dll and MGRQGNRC.dll libraries from the Requester\64bit\ folder into the Tester\ folder.
For 32-bit requesters: Copy the MgRequester.dll library from the Requester\32bit\ folder and the MGRQGNRC.dll library from the root folder of the installation into the Tester\ folder.
Copy the requester configuration file (mgreq.ini) into the Tester\ folder.
Execute the tester program:
Direct execution: Execute the MgRequesterTester.exe file.
Execution from VS2010: Open the Tester\Project\MgRequesterTester.sln solution, perform build and execute.
You can also change the server settings in the MgRequesterTester.sln solution by using RequestsFactory.GetInstance("").
Since version:
If you want your Java application to interact with Magic xpa, you should call Magic xpa via the MgRequester.jar. The MgRequester.jar can be found in the support folder.
64-bit Execution
Copy into an existing folder or set the CLASSPATH to locate the MgRequester.jar from the support folder and the MGRQGNRC.dll library from the Requester\64bit\ folder of MgRequester.ZIP (refer to the .NET requesters section above).
32-bit Execution
32-bit execution is similar to 64-bit execution, but you take the 32-bit MGRQGNRC.dll library from the root folder of the installation.