Magic xpi Server Configuration (Magic xpi 4.14)
The following services must be installed and running on your machine before starting the Magic xpi project:
· Mosquitto MQTT broker used for communication
For more information on how to install Eclipse Mosquitto, click here.
· Minio used for data transfer
For more information on how to install Minio, click here.
The user will have to define the following parameters in the magic.ini file under the section MAGICXPI_LA to provide Magic xpi server configuration:
Identifies the installation (set of LAN hosts managed by a single Management Console)
Timeout value for remote step execution provided in milliseconds
Timeout of waiting for a new Agent Connector to be heard after ACM sends the request provided in milliseconds
Timeout of no heartbeat from an Agent Connector before it is removed from the list of available Agent Connectors provided in milliseconds
Heartbeat period for the Magic xpi Server provided in milliseconds
URL of the MQTT broker
URL of the MINIO server
Set this to true if the KONG authentication is required.
KONG user name required only if KONGAuthentication value is set to true
KONG password required only if KONGAuthentication value is set to true