Magic xpi Dashboard (Magic xpi 4.1)
When you log in to the Magic Monitor, the Magic xpi Dashboard opens.

This dashboard displays the following top-level information:
Running projects: The number of projects that are currently running.
License usage: The number of license threads in use, out of the total number of available licenses.
Magic xpi Space Status: The status of the Magic xpi Space. The different statuses are split into three different background colors; green, orange, and red. The statuses are INTACT, COMPROMISED, DEPLOYED, SCHEDULED, BROKEN, NA, and UNDEPLOYED.
Available licenses: The number of licenses that are currently available.
License information: Contains license feature details, the license's serial number, the total number of license threads, and the license expiration date.
Processed messages: This information is refreshed every five minutes. It displays the number of messages that have occurred in each monitored project. You can set the required time period using the drop-down list.
License usage: Gives near-real time information about how the running projects are using the available license threads.
There is also an Actions list comprised of the following options:
Browse all projects
Browse stopped projects
Browse running projects
Project Alerts
Clicking on one of these options takes you to the Magic xpi Projects Dashboard Tab, which gives you more detailed information about specific projects.