Magic xpa GigaSpaces Monitor (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Magic xpa GigaSpaces Monitor is accessed by clicking Magic xpa GigaSpaces Monitor from the Start menu (under the installation's GigaSpaces folder).
Magic xpa now provides binaries (jar files) to support custom space monitoring and administration with which you can create your own monitor.
The monitor is started by default from GigaSpaces-xpa\Dotnet. The path GigaSpaces-xpa\config\projectsStartup.xml will be used as a default path for projectsStartup.xml.
Since version: 3.3a
The Magic xpa GigaSpaces Monitor contains the following views:
License usage
Requests log
The top of the screen includes the following items:
Configuration details
Click this to set the Lookup Locators of the project. By default, the value is taken from the Mgreq.ini file from the Scripts\Config folder. Once the value is entered to this property, it will be used in the next executions.
The users can change the projectsStartup.xml file path from the Configuration Details dialog box.
Refresh settings
Click this to set the refresh rate and the number of requests to display.
Automatic refresh
Defines whether the screen will be automatically refreshed. The refresh interval is defined in the Refresh Settings menu.
You can filter the information displayed in the monitor by parking on a specific server or context. If you park on a server, the display will show all of its contexts and requests. If you park on a context, the display will show all of its requests. The displayed information is refreshed automatically as long as you remain standing on the particular server or context. If you stop refreshing the monitor, the last retrieved data will be displayed.
Since version: 3.1
Some of the monitor's views and administration commands can be queried or executed using a Java API implemented in Gigaspaces-xpa\lib\xpa\MgxpaGS*.jar, and demonstrated by:
Execute.cmd -QueryServers (only query servers)
Execute.cmd -QueryContexts (only query contexts)
Execute.cmd -QueryRequests (only query requests)
Since version: 3.3b
Execute.cmd -AnalyzeRequests=ExecutionTime (only query requests)
Execute.cmd -AnalyzeRequests=WaitingTime (only query requests)
Since version: 3.3e and 4.6 (not available in any version between 4.0 and 4.5a, including both)
Gigaspaces-xpa\samples\Queries and Administration\xpa - Simple Magic xpa tester (a subset of simple Java tester), using the new Java Integration. This tester requires a Magic xpa engine, which is configured by default in GigaSpaces-xpa\config\projectsStartup.xml.
Gigaspaces-xpa\samples\Queries and Administration\xpa\HTMLTest.url - This executes a batch program in that xpa project, which returns an HTML-formatted output.
Gigaspaces-xpa\samples\Queries and Administration\xpa\Servers.html - It is a template for a program returning the HTML-formatted output.

Make sure you started the GigaSpaces agent prior to exchanging these samples.
Since version: 3.3a