Configuration (Magic xpa 2.x)
You can define some Magic xpa logical names to avoid calling various setup programs. The logical names that can be defined are:
Alpha. This log file tracks the internal activity of the component. The context number will be added to the file name. For example, if the Logical name translation is 'MessagingActivity', the log file name will be 'MessagingActivity_1234567890.log' (where 1234567890 is the context number). This name is set when the component loads. To change the name, use the SetActivityLogFileName function.
Alpha(1). When this logical name is set to Yes, the activity log will automatically start to log.
Numeric (10). The maximum buffer size.
This entry should be the log file name for the WMQ UDP (low level logging). If this entry is specified, the UDP will automatically initiate the WMQ module log.
Alpha (1). The type of installation: C for client, and S for server.
Numeric (5). The code page for creating Alpha messages using the Buffer Identifier Index. You can fetch the machine code page using the operating system command: MODE CON CP
Numeric (1). Indicates in which word order the numbers should be written and read when using the Buffer Identifier Index. The valid values are:
1 - low-hi, the Windows standard
0 - hi-low, the UNIX standard
Numeric (1). The encoding type of an Alpha field using the Buffer Identifier Index. The valid values are:
Alpha. This log file tracks the Subscribe and Unsubscribe information sent to the different brokers.