This flag is used by the Magic xpi server for handling the critical state of the system.
The critical conditions are known to lead to data inconsistency or duplicate processing of business event/trigger. On occurrence of any of the critical condition the system will pause execution of new requests thereby reducing the risk of inconsistency and duplication issues.
For more information on critical alerts, click here.
If the flag is set to Y, the xpi server will not accept any new flow requests when the system reaches a critical state like Redo logs are exceeded, Split-Brain condition or database is inaccessible. The server will pause and wait until the critical state is resolved and the system is healed. The threads which are currently processing will continue to run and will not be paused.
The server pause time will be executed based upon an increasing delay algorithm at an interval of 30, 60, with maximum value of 120 minutes. The events will be logged and the administrator will be communicated with an email before every server pause. When the situation is resolved and back to normal, the administrator will be sent an email about the restoration of normal behavior.
The default value is N. The user has to set the value of the flag to Y, to enable this behavior.
Any event of the processing being paused and resumed will be logged into the Gigaspaces logs. The log levels are controlled using the logger "com.magicsoftware.xpi.server.spacebridgeā. Refer the Logback Configuration page, for further information.
(Since version: 4.13)