[MAGIC_RIA] (Magic xpa 4.x)
The [MAGIC_RIA] section of the Magic.ini file contains the following settings:
NONE: No log
BASIC: Only logging of HTTP requests' arrival and departures. This level is meant to be used for troubleshooting of production (and also testing) systems, especially in the areas of communication and component handshaking. Since version: 2.4b
SERVER: Only HTTP requests and responses
SERVER#: SERVER + the content sent within requests and received within responses. SpecialClientSecureMessages=N should also be set, in order to view unscrambled content.
SUPPORT: SERVER + a few messages of .NET, SQLite gateway and data source conversions.
GUI: SUPPORT + A few GUI messages logged by the client
DEV: All messages logged by the client
The log content is secured and compressed in the BASIC and SEVER log levels.
During development, the keyword sets the log level of the client. If the InternalLogFile keyword is defined, but InternalLogLevel is left blank, then the log will only include warning and errors.
During deployment, the keyword sets a maximum for the log level of the client.
If the keyword is not set, the maximum log level will be SERVER.
Unlike other server logs that are defined in the Logging section and written to the ExternalLogFileName, the BASIC log level is taken from the [MAGIC_RIA] section and saves the entries to the GeneralErrorLog.
InternalLogFile = file name; if not set, the output is directed to the client's desktop: MgxpaRIA_YYYY_MM_DD[.Process ID].log
InternalLogSync=Message, Session, or None
None: The log file is flushed to the disk automatically, according to the .NET Framework's default.
Session: The log file is not flushed to the disk automatically. This level is the fastest.
Message: The log file is opened and closed for each message. This level ensures content preserving, but is the slowest.
DisplayStatisticInformation = Y or N
If set to Y:
Hovering over the rightmost corner of the topmost task's status bar provides a list of the last 5 HTTP requests.
Upon session completion, the client displays the Session Statistics dialog box, and writes the summary to the internal log file.

This value is sent to the Rich Client during the handshake with the server, and is used to time out HTTP requests from the client to the server (that is, the time that the client will retry sending the request to the server).
If the request cannot be sent to the server, the client will wait for 1/10 of the HTTP request timeout and then resend the request.
Default value: 5 seconds
Since version: 2.4
AllowedDirectoriesForClientDownload = directory path
This keyword is set to limit the directories on the server from which the desired file(s) can be downloaded. You can set multiple directory paths to download the files from. In such case, you need to mention the directory paths separated by commas.
For example, AllowedDirectoriesForClientDownload = d:\Magic\Xpa33g1\Scripts,
d:\Magic\Xpa33g1\RIACache, d:\Magic\Xpa33g1\Support
If this keyword is absent then you can copy any number of desired file(s) from all the directories as per the default behavior.
Note: Logical path names are supported.
For example, AllowedDirectoriesForClientDownload =
Since version: 3.3h
This server-side keyword overrides the value of the same client-side keyword DisplayGenericError in application execution properties.
Since version: 3.3h
The Studio merges InternalLogLevel, InternalLogFile, InternalLogSync and DisplayStatisticInformation into the execution.properties file in the project's folder, prior to each execution by F7, and spawns the rich client executable (MgxpaRIA.exe) from the folder specified by ClientModulesPath.
The RIA deployment builder does not merge any of these values into either the published HTML (ClickOnce) or the execution properties (mobile).
Note however that these keywords can be set manually for:
ClickOnce deployment – in the published HTML or its template:
<Installation folder>\Add_On\Builders\Templates\PublishHtml.tpl
RIA mobile deployment – in the execution properties template:
<Installation folder>\Add_On\Builders\Templates\ExecutionProperties.tpl