Logon Settings (Magic xpa 2.x)
The Logon dialog box allows the specification of a User ID and Password of the Magic xpa user. These values are checked against the User ID repository in order to determine the user's rights. If the User ID and Password do not match an entry in the User ID repository, an error message is displayed and the dialog box stays open. If the User ID and Password combination are found in the User ID repository, they are used to compile the rights of the user for later use, within an application. User ID and Password have both development and runtime functions. The Logon dialog box is controlled by the following Environment dialog box options:
The Logon dialog box includes the following fields:
User ID
The name of the user. Any alphanumeric input is allowed. The User ID must also be in the User ID repository. The Logon dialog box will display the User ID prompt if the Input Password environment setting is set to Yes.
An alphanumeric string that will be compared at Logon time to the string the user types in the Password column of the Logon dialog box. If the Input Password environment setting is set to No, the Logon window will not be automatically displayed.
The password is being requested either because it is your first attempt to use this database or because the Password specified in the Database Properties dialog box is wrong or missing.
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