Logging Configuration in Magic xpi (Magic xpi 4.13)
Magic xpi implements a logback framework to configure logging in the different components. This configuration allows to easily include and exclude modules from logging and flexibly set up logging levels for components that require special attention.
Unlike the previous log4j.xml, the new logback mechanism facilitates the feature of having a separate configuration file for each connector and those files can be found in the <Magic xpi Installation>\Runtime\Java\classes folder. Modifying any of those individual files will make changes for that specific connector. For example, to change the log setting for the Directory Scanner, open the <Magic xpi Installation>\Runtime\Java\classes\dirscanner.logback.xml file and change the value to what you would do in your previous logging mechanism.
The user can do multiple configurations in the log file. Few of them are listed below:
· Logging level: The default logging level is INFO. The user can change it to DEBUG, ERROR or any other supported logging levels. To know more about the supported levels, click here.
· Log file size configuration: The user can configure the Log file size, maximum number of archive files to keep and total size of all archive files as part of the rollingPolicy for each component.

To check the logs related to the paused, stalled, stopped state of the system when any critical system alert is raised, change the log level from INFO to DEBUG for the logger with name com.magicsoftware.xpi.server.spacebridge in the gigaspaces.xpiserver.logback.xml log file. The file is located under the <Magic xpi Installation>\Runtime\Java\classes folder.
The updated entry should look like below:
<logger name="com.magicsoftware.xpi.server.spacebridge" additivity="false" level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="gigaspaces-appender" />
(Since version: 4.13)
Log Files