
Log Files (Magic xpi 4.12)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Log Files (Magic xpi 4.12)

Information about errors that occurred during runtime is logged to several log files and in several locations.

Magic xpi uses the log4j infrastructure for logging, and the logging configuration is set in the <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\java\classes\log4j.xml file. The logs defined in the log4j.xml file are written by default to the <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\logs\java folder. .NET-based connectors use the <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\Config\Log4net.config file.

Logs Folder

Created log file

Contains information about:

Where the log path is set or where the log file is enabled:


Debugger errors

log environment variable


Server activities

Server log location setting.


Magic xpa component errors or when generating the Data Mapper

logs > magic.ini > [MAGIC_ENV]GeneralErrorLog entry*


Migration process error. This is only created when there are errors.

logs > migration.ini > [MAGIC_ENV]GeneralErrorLog entry*


Errors from a specific project. These are Magic xpa errors produced by the project’s engine.

In each project's logs > ifs.ini file > [MAGIC_ENV]GeneralErrorLog entry*


Errors that occurred during runtime when Magic xpi executes a Data Mapper step that uses a database. It also gives partial information about the SQL statements sent to the database. Note that the gateway log shows the actual statement.

For more information, see How Do I Create a Gateway Log for the Magic xpi Server?

Activated from the Debugging Flags area of the Settings dialog box or by setting DebugMapper=Y in one of the .ini files.

Before you add the DebugMapper=Y flag to the Magic.ini file, make sure that it is not included in any of the other Magic xpi configuration files. If the flag is included in any of these configuration files, the flag will be overwritten and the file will not be created.

sfdc_logs folder

Shows the specific IDs created when working with the Salesforce connector's Replicate Last Update method.



Activated from the Debugging Flags area of the Settings dialog box or by setting [MAGIC_IBOLT] DebugSFDCComponent=Y in the ifs.ini file.


Dynamics CRM

Activated from the Debugging Flags area of the Settings dialog box or by setting [MAGIC_IBOLT] DebugMDCRMComponent=Y in the ifs.ini file.


Dynamics AX 2012

The logs are configured according to the log4net.config file, which is located at <Magic xpi>/config.



Activated from the Debugging Flags area of the Settings dialog box or by setting [MAGIC_IBOLT] DebugSharepointComponent=Y in the ifs.ini file.



Activated from the Debugging Flags area of the Settings dialog box or by setting [MAGIC_IBOLT] DebugExchangeComponent=Y in the ifs.ini file.



Activated from the Debugging Flags area of the Settings dialog box or by setting [MAGIC_IBOLT] DebugHL7Component=Y in the ifs.ini file.

DynamicsCRM_studio_<<process id>>.log

Dynamics CRM

DCRM design time log file is generated under <Magic xpi installation>\Studio\Log folder.

DynamicsCRM_runtime_<<process id>>.log

Dynamics CRM

DCRM runtime log file is generated under <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\Logs folder.

The configuration related to Log4net can be provided in Log4net.config file which is located under <Magic xpi installation>\Runtime\Config folder.

* Note that if you leave this entry blank, an error log file will not be created for that scenario. In addition, changes made to this entry are effective as of the next session.

Logs/Java Folder

PID in the following logs represents the process ID of the process that wrote the log.

Created log file

Contains information about:

Where the log path is set or where the log file is enabled:


Third-party programs



The space, including processing units and space services



Programs external to the space



Errors encountered while accessing Java classes



Provides output messages



The command line, including problems encountered when the GSA tries to load the Magic xpi executable via the command line.


To enable logs for Java-based components, update the log4j.xml by changing the level value from “off” to one of the other levels. See the Logging Level section below.


The exceptions that occur in a project.



All log files inherit their settings from this file. It does not contain information particular to Magic xpi.



FTP and Directory Scanner FTP activity



FTP connector infrastructure



Directory Scanner component



Email component



Google Calendar connector


ifc. googledrive_[PID].log

Google Drive connector



Google connectors’ infrastructure



SAP ERP connector

log4j.xml or by setting DebugR3Component=Y in the ifs.ini file.

For more information, see How Do I Create Log Files for the SAP R/3 (JCO) Component?


SAP ERP trigger connector


Sugar connector



Web Services Client connector


Note that there are additional log files that you can add in the log4j.xml. Open up the file and search for the three <!-- other optional modules:--> tags.

GigaSpaces\Logs Folder

Created log file

Contains information about:

Where the log path is set or where the log file is enabled:

[Date~Time]-[GigaSpaces entity]-{computer name}-PID.log

For example: 2013-10-07~14.07-gigaspaces-lus_5-DEBBIES-7-4400.log

The GigaSpaces infrastructure.

The files without the {computer name} can be ignored.

Messaging Folder

Created log file

Contains information about:

Where the log path is set or where the log file is enabled:


Messaging components

MessagingErrorLogFile environment variable

db\[database name] Folder

Created log file

Contains information about:

Where the log path is set or where the log file is enabled:

[database name].log

For example: mssql.log.

A specific database. This log file is defined when manually installing the database.

SSJ\Log Folder

Created log file

Contains information about:

Where the log path is set or where the log file is enabled:


Systinet errors

SSJ\conf\log4j.config \log4j.appender.errorLog.File=


Systinet events

SSJ\conf\log4j.config \log4j.appender.eventLog.File=

<Magic xpi root> Folder

Created log file

Contains information about:

Where the log path is set or where the log file is enabled:


For example: JCO20121109_120458790.trc

SAP ERP and SAP A1 trace logs. You can add extended trace options using the Magic.ini file’s DebugTraceLevel= configuration flag.

Enabled from the SAP ERP resource's SAP Trace setting and from the SAP A1 resource's SAP Trace setting. By default this is set to No.

Logging Level

In the log4j.xml file, you can change the value of the logging level in the <level value="xxx"/> tag to any of the following values:

  • all: Turns on all levels of logging.

  • trace: Provides further information in addition to the debug level.

  • debug: Helps the developer see what is going on in the project for debugging purposes.

  • info: Provides information about the progress of the project.

  • warn: Provides warnings about unexpected events.

  • error: Provides information about serious errors that may result in unstable behavior.

  • fatal: Provides information about severe error events, which will probably lead to the application aborting the log.

  • off: Turns off all levels of logging.

You can change the logging level during runtime. This is especially useful when deploying your projects.

It is recommended to turn off logging following completion of a debug session and before application deployment. Logging significantly slows down the execution of a program. However, for the logging of code related to GigaSpaces logs (general_[PID].log , magicxpi_[PID].log and magicxpi-external_[PID].log), the logging level can be changed in the log4j.xml while running and does not require an application restart.

Additional Activity Logging Capabilities

In addition, the Magic xpi Studio contains several logging capabilities, such as:

  • Logging function: This function enables and disables the gateway log dynamically.

  • Logging properties in the components: This writes information to the Activity Log.

  • Activity Log: The Activity Log provides information about the execution flow.
