Log Files and Unknown Errors (Magic xpa 2.x)
There are two types of logs used by the broker. Both of these files have Log parameters:
From the mgreq.ini file – displays low level activities – TCP/IP, threads, events, connect, send, receive, etc. Some of the settings aren’t relevant to all the modules. For example, the Priority entry is relevant only to requesters.
From the mgrb.ini file – displays high level activities of the broker – initialization, receiving requests, locating enterprise servers, sending enterprise servers to requesters, etc. This log is useful to understand if a certain request was accepted by the broker, what was done with it, etc.
Errors that are not listed in the documentation, such as –145, are best handled by using the log file from mgreq.ini. This log file can show for example problems with host name resolving, which mostly cause these errors to be displayed.
It is important to know the difference between errors from the Web server (which are not displayed in the blue/aqua error page of Magic xpa) to errors of Magic xpa. Errors of the Web server can be a missing requester, insufficient rights, etc.
You can also get information from the BrokerActivity.log. This log is by default located in the Magic xpa installation directory.
BrokerActivity.log, which is issued from the broker and is not related to any INI file, registers significant broker activities, such as startup and shutdown of the broker and enterprise servers, etc.