Log File Formats (Magic xpi 4.14)
The log file created by the Directory Scanner component indicates the business process, flow, and line number of the trigger or step where the error occurred. This information is also displayed in the Magic xpi Monitor.
You can determine the format of the log file when you configure the component. It can be generated in the following formats:
Text file is the default option for log generation.
The log is saved in the location that you defined in the Log file field in the Log and Return Details dialog box.
If you select CSV as the log type, a comma separated file is generated.
The log is saved in the location that you defined in the Log file field in the Log and Return Details dialog box.
If you select XML as the log type, an XML file is generated. The XML log's format can be seen in the directoryscanner.xsd file.
The log is saved in the location that you defined in the Log file field in the Log and Return Details dialog box.