
Loading Components into Host Projects (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Loading Components into Host Projects (Magic xpa 4.x)

You load components from within the host project using the new Composite Resource Repository (CRR). When you zoom on an empty entry, or request Load/Reload from the menu, Magic xpa lets you select the component you want to load from a list of all the Magic xpa Component Interfaces (ECIs) that have already been created. Once an ECI is selected, Magic xpa loads the corresponding component into the current Project, and the properties that the component revealed are now available for use in the project.

Sometimes the host project has to be changed when changes are made to the interface, but this is not always necessary. When new objects are revealed, there is no need to reload the component unless you want to use those new objects.
