
Method Configuration (Magic xpi 4.13)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Method Configuration (Magic xpi 4.13)

The DAM Methods tab enables the generation of component methods based on existing code. The tab displays the required methods from these classes. This feature will update the component XML with generated method definitions.

The dialog box includes the fields described below.




The name of the method used by the server at runtime. This is a public name for Magic xpa components and a method name for Java components. Names with special characters,such as a period (.), question mark (?), or slash (/) cannot be loaded.

Public Name

The general name of the method. The name should start with an Alpha value.


A brief description of the method.




Opens the Load Methods dialog box.

Method Arguments


The name of argument sent to the component by an external call to Magic xpi. The name should start with an Alpha value.

Display Name

The name of the argument.


The tooltip that will appear when the cursor hovers over the argument.


The data type of the argument. You can select: Alpha, Numeric, Logical, Date, Time or BLOB.


A string of characters that tells Magic xpi how to define the format of the argument. For example, a 15-character alphanumeric parameter has a picture definition of 15. A picture that defines a date is DD/MM/YYYY.


The direction of the argument. Use the drop-down list to select whether the argument is an input or output parameter or both.

Runtime Order

Indicates the actual order of the arguments during runtime.

Value Type

Determines how the parameter value is entered by the user. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Expression (default)

  • Variable

  • Fixed Value

Default Value

You can specify a value or an expression (depending on the Type property) that will be set automatically by Magic xpi if the received argument does not have a value.

If this value is not blank, the argument in the Direct Access Method Configuration dialog box will be updated with the default value and will be read-only.


Indicates whether the argument must have a value (or default value) when sent to the trigger. You cannot define a field as mandatory if it is invisible and does not have a default value. Select the check box to define a field as mandatory.


Determines whether the argument is displayed in the Direct Access Method Configuration dialog box. Select one of the following from the drop-down list:

  • Yes (default)

  • No

Depends On

Define whether you want the new method to depend on the existing methods.

Depends On Values

Define whether you want the new method to depend on values of the existing properties.

  • True

  • False
