Link Query (Magic xpa 4.x)
If the link is successful, data from the linked record’s selected variables are included in the record data view.
If the link fails:
The linked variables that have no Init expression are filled with zeroes if the variables are Numeric, Date or Time, with blanks if they are Alpha, left empty for variables that are Blob variables, with the logical value False (if they are logical variables). The Default values determined in the Application Properties can be overridden at the Type and Column levels.
The linked variables with Init expressions are initialized with the value of the expression according to the Init rules.
Hint: When using the Link Query, you can customize an error message to be displayed when the link fails. To do this, insert a Verify operation with a Condition expression based on the Return Code property of the link.

You should not use the Link Query operation on Batch tasks that are defined in Create mode.