Mobile Support
The color of the control taken from the Application Color repository.
Platform specific: In mobile devices, when a system color is used it will show the operating system's default color for the control.
Specifies whether a ToolTip is associated with this control. A number specifies the number of the ToolTip Help in the Help list.
You can enter an expression for a Tooltip so that the Tooltip is dynamic. You can create the expression in Unicode format.
Specifies whether the control will be visible to the user.
The appearance of the control. The options are: 3-Dimensional Raised (default), 3-Dimensional Sunken, and 2-Dimensional.
Line style
The appearance of lines in the control. The options are Regular line, Dashed line, Dotted line, Dash + Dot line, and Dash + Dot + Dot line.
Line width
The width of the line in the control. Specify a numeric value based on the measurement units you have defined for the form.