
LDAP Resource (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

LDAP Resource (Magic xpi 4.14)

LDAP resources contain the following parameters (parameters in bold are mandatory):



Server Name

The LDAP server's URL.

You can either enter the server's name, or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as the server's name.

If an SSL connection is required, the Server address URL will be: SSL://URL or SSL://IP

Server Port

The LDAP server port.

You can either enter the port number, or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as a port number.

The default port number is 389.

Connection string

Use the LDAP Connecting String to specify the user's DN, which is a unique entry identifier in the LDAP server database. For example: cn=John, ou=users, dc=mycompany, dc=com

See LDAP Connection String.

Domain context

Use this setting to specify the search base that would be used to locate the groups where the LDAP user is a member. For example: ou=groups,dc=mydomain

See LDAP Domain Contexts.

User Name

The user name for the LDAP system.


The user password for the LDAP system.

You can either enter the password, or click to open the Environment Variables List. Here, you can select an environment variable to use as a password.

A password entered as an environment variable is masked by asterisks.

  • The first LDAP resource's user details are always used in the project even if different resources are attached in different steps for the same LDAP server.

  • For admin access, you need to copy the secmod.db, cert7.db, and key3.db files to the Magic xpi root folder. If these files were not installed with the installation of Magic xpi, then you can copy them from the LDAP server. For more information, see the Why am I getting an error when I attempt to validate an admin connection to an LDAP resource? troubleshooting question.

LDAP resources also give you the following button:




Click this button to verify that the connection to the LDAP server is valid. You will receive a message indicating that the connection is established, or an error message if the connection failed.
