LDAP Connection String (Magic xpi 4.1)
When a user binds to an LDAP server (System Logon = LDAP), a Distinguished Name (DN) and password is sent. The LDAP Connecting String is used to specify the user's DN, which is a unique entry identifier in the LDAP server database, for example: cn=John, ou=users, dc=mycompany, dc=com. You can use the $USER$ string as an alias for the user name entered in the Logon screen or the user name value returned by the Logon function, for example: cn=$USER$, ou=users, dc=mycompany, dc=com. The $USER$ string is automatically replaced by the user name. The password entered in the Logon screen or the password value returned by the Logon function will be used for authentication as well.
Change effective: Immediate
Magic.ini and Command Line Name: LdapConnectionString