
Knowi Entities (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Knowi Entities (Magic xpi 4.14)

Once the Knowi resource is configured and validated successfully, you can configure the entities by clicking the Entities button. This will open the Knowi Entities dialog. Here, you can define multiple entities, and add child elements to them.

The Entities dialog box consists of two panes. The left pane displays the list of entities added. You can create new or delete existing entities by clicking the Add or Delete buttons.

On the right pane, you can create child elements for the selected entity. The child element can be added with basic JSON data types namely, String, Number, Boolean. With the Key column you can define the key by which the data will be upserted.

The entities and their child elements will be translated to JSON schema during the step configuration.

The special characters in the Knowi Entity name get replaced with the underscore character.

It is recommended to construct the entity names such that after replacing the special characters with underscore, the names do not get duplicated and hence create a conflict.

For example, two different entities with names such as test*xpi and test@xpi will be treated as invalid as they create conflicts.
