
Join Statements Screen (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Join Statements Screen (Magic xpi 4.14)

The Join Statements screen displays a record for each connection that exists between all of the tables selected for this object. The JOIN statement lets you indicate the relationship between the data in each table by defining how to match data from one table with the data from the other.

For example, if you select tables called Order, OrderLine, and Product, two records are created. The first record specifies the relationship between A and B and the second specifies the relationship between B and C, therefore the Joins will be Order.OrderNumber = OrderLine.OrderNumber, and OrderLine.ProductCode = Product.ProductCode.

  • The relation between the records (for the join) is AND.

  • The Join works from Left to Right.

  • If you delete a column from a connected database in the server, the entire Join table is deleted from the Join Statements screen. Since version: 4.5

  • JOIN statements in the Database Wizard are not equivalent to SQL JOIN statements.

Once you select a column from a table on one side, you cannot select the columns of the same table on the other side. In other words, each side can only have columns from the same table, and it is up to you to decide which side will belong to which table.

Make sure that for each Table Join record, there is at least one record of joined columns. This will be validated before you can continue.

To use the Join Statements screen:

  1. Click Add to open a new line.

  2. In the Left Side Joined Column field, click to open the Left Side Joined Column list. Here, select the required left side column.

  3. In the Right Side Joined Column field, click to open the Right Side Joined Column list. Here, select the required right side column.

  4. Click Add to add further columns if required.

After you select the Join information, click Next to display the Summary screen.
