
JDBC Resource (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

JDBC Resource (Magic xpi 4.14)

JDBC resources contain the following parameters (the parameters in bold are mandatory):



Local Agent

To make the resource work as a part of Local Agent, make this value True.

The default value is False.

LA Name

The name of Local Agent, the step based on this resource, is going to invoke.

This parameter will be available only when the value of Local Agent is set to True.


Enter the JDBC URL to connect to the database. The JDBC URL can be selected using environment variable as well.

The JDBC URL must contain the database server JDBC URL. It can optionally contain the database name, user name and password in the required format.

Database Name

Enter the Database name. If the database name is defined as part of JDBC URL, this field can be left blank.

The database name entered here will take precedence over the database name given in the JDBC URL.


Enter the user name to connect to the database. If the user name is defined as part of JDBC URL, this field can be left blank.

The User Name entered here will take precedence over the User Name given in the JDBC URL.


Enter the password to authenticate with the database. If the user name is defined as part of JDBC URL, this field can be left blank.

The password entered here will take precedence over the password given in the JDBC URL.

Starting Owner

The owner to filter with when using this database entry. Click Owner to open the Owners List. Select the required owner from the list.

This value will be used as the default owner for the Database Wizard in the Data Mapper.

If this property is blank, the owner will be set to the first owner.

JDBC resources also give you the following additional buttons:




Click this button to verify that the connection to the database is valid. You will receive a message indicating that the connection is established, or an error message if the connection failed. When you select the DB2/400 database, you can click this button to check accessibility to libraries. A table selection form displays tables from specified libraries, prefixed by the library name (not by owner). When you select a table, the owner details are displayed at the bottom of the screen. The Available Columns list in the Database Wizard column selection form displays columns from the tables that you selected in the library/schema.


This button opens the Filters for Database window. This window lets you select which tables are used in this database connection.


This button opens the Owners List. Here, you can select the required starting owner for this database entry.


Determines whether the Data Mapper will attempt to connect to the configured database whenever a Data Mapper document is open. Click this button to toggle between Online and Offline (default) modes.

If the button is set to Offline, the cache will be loaded. If the button is set to Online, Magic xpi will attempt to connect to the database to retrieve the current tables' structure.

A connection will be forced to the database even if the DB schema belongs to an Offline resource, when:

  • Selecting the Refresh option on the schema node

  • Changing the SQL Statement in the properties sheet

  • Changing the schema resource

  • Opening the DB wizard

If the connection fails, the last cached data will be used.

You can refresh multiple database schemas by clicking the Refresh Database Schemas icon on the toolbar or by clicking the Edit menu and selecting Refresh Database Schemas. This functionality is available only when a Data Mapper document is in focus in the Studio and when there is at least one database schema that belongs to an Online resource

List of Supported Databases

The databases supported by the JDBC resources are:



· Oracle

· DB2/400

Below is the list of the database drivers tested and certified for Magic xpi. This is not an exhaustive list and any other compatible driver may also work.


Driver Name JAR File(s)




mysql-connector-java-5.1.41.jar and






(Since version: 4.13.3)

Related Topic

Supported JDBC URL Format
