
Integration Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Integration Functions (Magic xpa 4.x)

BlobFromBase64 – Decodes a BASE-64 BLOB variable to a regular Magic xpa BLOB.

BlobToBase64 – Converts a Magic xpa BLOB to a BLOB variable encoded in the BASE-64 algorithm.

BrowserGetContent – Returns the HTML content displayed in a Browser control.

BrowserScriptExecute – Executes a script command for the Browser control (JavaScript, VBScript).

BrowserSetContent – Sets the content displayed in a Browser Control with a new HTML text.

CallDLL – Enables a dynamic call to a DLL.

CallDLLF – Call to an external Fastcall function.

CallDLLS – Call to an external Stdcall function.

CallJS – Calls an external Java Script function that can be used for the Browser task interface.

CallOBJ – Calls an external method of an object that can be used for a Browser task interface.

CallProgURL – Calls a URL designated by a Magic xpa program that resides on an enterprise server.

CallURL – Calls a URL through the Evaluate operation in a Browser task.

Cipher – Encrypts a buffer containing a BLOB.

ClientCertificateAdd – Lets you define a certificate that will be sent for subsequent Invoke Web Services and HTTP Post and Get calls.

ClientCertificateDiscard – Lets you remove a client-side digital certificate from the list of certificates. Client-side digital certificates verify the identity of the user for highly secure Web applications.

ClipAdd – Adds a value and its picture to the clipboard for operating systems that support clipboard functionality.

ClipRead – Lets you display the contents copied to the clipboard in CF_Text format.

ClipWrite – The function places the buffer created by the ClipAdd function into the clipboard by using the CF_Text clipboard format.

COMError – Retrieves information of the last error that occurred when Magic xpa interacted with a COM object.

COMHandleGet – Retrieves the handle of a loaded COM object. This handle can be stored as a numeric value.

COMHandleSet – Lets you refer to an object, previously loaded from a COM object field, using a handle number returned by the COMHandleGet function.

COMObjCreate – You can manually create an instance of a COM object based on a variable that defines the object's details. The ComObjCreate function can be executed only for an OLE variable that has the Instantiation property set to None.

COMObjRelease – Releases a COM object loaded by the COMObjCreate function or called by the Invoke COM operation.

DbXmlExist – Returns a true value if an XML structure stored in a Blob variable contains the element on which the view is defined.

DbXmlMixedGet – Fetches a text value from a mixed-content XML element.

DbXmlMixedSet – Sets a text value into a mixed-content XML element.

DDEBegin – Creates a session.

DDEEnd – Terminates a session.

DDEGet – Returns a string value from a DDE server.

DDEPoke – Transfers a string from Magic xpa to the DDE service.

DDERR – Retrieves the last error that occurred during a Magic xpa DDE conversation.

DDExec – Transfers a command string from Magic xpa to the DDE.

DeCipher – Converts an encrypted buffer to a buffer containing an Alpha string or a BLOB.

DNCast – Returns the value according to a .NET type.

DNException – Returns a reference to the last exception occurred by a .NET operation.

DNExceptionOccurred – Informs you that an error occurred during the last .NET operation.

DNRef – Returns a reference to the variable, so it can be passed "by ref" to a .NET method.

DNSet – Sets the value of a property in a .NET Assembly object.

DragSetCrsr – Determines whether the cursor file is defined as Copy mode or as None mode.

DragSetData – Determines the data content and format for a control that is not defined for automatic data handling. This function also lets you assign the data content to a different data format.

DropFormat – Checks that the defined data format is supported for the Allow Dropping property.

DropGetData – Retrieves the data from the drag and drop operation by the defined format.

DropMouseX – Retrieves the Mouse Cursor X coordinate relative to the current form at the time the dragged data value is dropped on a form or control.

DropMouseY – Retrieves the Mouse Cursor Y coordinate relative to the current form at the time the data value is dropped onto a form or control.

EncryptionError – Returns the last error message for the Cipher and DeCipher functions.

HTTPCall – Performs an HTTP request and returns the results.

HTTPGet – Retrieves the returned HTML result of an HTTP request as a BLOB object.

HTTPLastHeader – Retrieves the value of an HTTP header entry from the entry name. The function queries the HTTP header information received from the last HTTP retrieval from the HTTPGet or HTTPPost functions.

HTTPPost – Posts information via an HTTP message and returns an HTML/XML result of the HTTP request as a BLOB object.

LDAPConnect – Creates another session with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), so other LDAP functionalities can be done in this connection.

LDAPDisconnect – Closes the session with LDAP.

LDAPError – Returns the last error message from the LDAP server. The function scope is per context.

LDAPGet – Retrieves the user information stored in an LDAP operating system directory.

LDAPGroupAdd – Adds a group to the operating system directory using LDAP.

LDAPGroupDel – Deletes a group from the operating system directory using LDAP.

LDAPUserAdd – Adds a user to the operating system directory using LDAP.

LDAPUserDel – Deletes a user from the operating system directory using LDAP.

LDAPUserGroupAssign – Adds a user to a group on the operating system directory using LDAP.

LDAPUserGroupRemove – Removes a user from a group from the operating system directory using LDAP.

LDAPUserModify – Updates the user details on the operating system directory using LDAP.

MailBoxSet – Switches to another mailbox connected to the IMAP mail server.

MailConnect – Opens a connection to a mail server.

MailDisconnect – Closes a connection to an email server.

MailError – Translates a given mail error code that has been returned from one of the functions described above to a readable error message.

MailFileSave – Saves a message attachment to a file on a disk.

MailLastRC – Retrieves the most recent error message that occurred when using any of the mail functions.

MailMsgBCC – Retrieves the BCC string of the selected mail message.

MailMsgCC – Returns a comma-delimited string of all the CC addresses.

MailMsgDate – Retrieves the date and time information of the selected mail message.

MailMsgDel – Deletes a message from the server mailbox.

MailMsgFile – Returns the file name of the specific attachment of the message.

MailMsgFiles – Returns the number of attachments of the message.

MailMsgFrom – Returns the address from which the message was sent.

MailMsgHeader – Retrieves the header information of the selected mail message.

MailMsgId – Returns the email message identifier.

MailMsgReplyTo – Retrieves the reply to string of the selected mail message.

MailMsgSubj – Returns the subject string of the message.

MailMsgText – Returns the body text string of the message.

MailMsgTo – Returns a comma-delimited string of all the main addresses to which the message is sent.

MailSend – Used to send an email

SetContextFocus – Sets the focus on the current window of a given context.

SNMPNotify – Sends an application-defined trap message to a Network Management Station (NMS).

UDF – Calls a user-defined function.

UDFF – Calls User functions written in third generation programming languages, by the fastcall convention.

UDFS – Calls User functions written in third generation programming languages, by the stdcall convention.

WsConsumerAttachmentAdd – A consumer Web Service program can add attachments to the SOAP response using the WsConsumerAttachmentAdd function.

WsConsumerAttachmentGet – A consumer Web Service program can retrieve attachments from the SOAP response using the WsConsumerAttachmentGet function.

WsProviderAttachmentAdd – Attaches the content of a BLOB variable to a SOAP response.

WsProviderAttachmentGet – Retrieves an attachment received by a Web Service.

WsSetIdentity – Sets an identity for the current context.

XMLBlobGet – Returns the value of an XML element or an XML attribute according to its element path.

XMLCnt – Returns the number of occurrences of an XML element or an XML attribute according to its path.

XMLDelete – Lets you delete an XML element or attribute according to its path. The function deletes the value and tags of the element or attribute.

XMLExist – Returns a True value if an XML element or XML attribute exists according to its element path.

XMLFind – Returns the index of an XML element that has a value equal to a specified value or if one of its attribute values is equal to the specified value.

XMLGet – Returns the value of an XML element or an XML attribute according to its element path.

XMLGetAlias – Retrieves the alias associated with a namespace Uniform Resource Identifier from the namespaces internal table. A namespace uniquely identifies an element type and attribute name. A URI is an alphanumeric character string identifying an Internet Resource.

XMLGetEncoding – Retrieves the encoding of an XML document.

XMLInsert – Lets you insert an XML element or attribute value in a specified path.

XMLModify – Lets you modify an XML element or attribute according to its path.

XMLSetEncoding – Sets the encoding of an XML document that was opened for Write access.

XMLSetNS – Defines the namespace-alias Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). A namespace uniquely identifies an element type and attribute name. A URI is an alphanumeric character string identifying an Internet Resource.

XMLStr – Converts valid XML data into an Alpha string.

XMLVal – Converts a string value into a valid XML string.

XMLValidate – Validates an XML document against its schema.

XMLValidationError – Returns a list of validation errors based on the last call to the XMLValidate function.
