
Installing Minio (Magic xpi 4.14)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Installing Minio (Magic xpi 4.14)

This section describes how to install the Minio Service.

The Magic xpi Local Agent uses Minio as an open source object storage server for Data Transfer Service.

Download and Installation

The Minio server can be downloaded from

Go to this link and download the following files:

· Minio.exe (MINIO server itself)

· Mc.exe (MINIO client)

Now navigate to <Magic xpi Installer>\LocalAgent\Prerequisites\Minio and copy the minio-storage.cmd and minio.cmd files to the folder where you have downloaded the above two Minio executable files.


Generating Data Folder and Predefined Buckets in Data Folder

Under the folder where minio.exe and mc.exe are downloaded, create a folder named data, if not already present.

Then run the following command:

minio-storage.cmd ./ ./data

As a result, buckets will be created and public access (without access key and secret key) to those buckets will be granted.

If the buckets are not created by running the above command, then try setting the minio home and running the command again as given below:

set minio_home=<Path to minio>

cd <Path to minio>

call minio-storage.cmd ./ ./data

At this time Minio server will also be started.

Starting the Minio Server for Additional Instances

Go to the Minio installation folder and run any of the following commands:

· minio.cmd

· minio.exe server ./data
