
Installation Overview with GigaSpaces (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Installation Overview with GigaSpaces (Magic xpa 4.x)

The server installation involves the following steps:

  • Understanding the deployment architecture.

  • Preparing and verifying the installation prerequisites.

  • Installing the Magic xpa server on each of the application servers using the setup wizard. During setup, the server startup and initial configuration is performed.

  • Post installation configuration steps.

  • Optional: Deploying Web requesters.

Installation Prerequisites

Before installing, you need to verify the following prerequisites:

  • A local or directory user (i.e. Magic xpa admin user) is defined with appropriate permissions on each of the application servers. The Magic xpa admin user should have permissions to run as a service.

  • All application servers have network access and read/write permissions for the Magic xpa admin user to access the shared projects folder.

  • All application servers can communicate with each other through the discovery port and LRMI ports. See Firewall Settings

Magic xpa Servers and Application Deployment

On each application server, run the Magic xpa installation. Follow the installation dialog boxes and once you reach the GigaSpaces Configuration screen, select the Install the Grid Service Agent as a service check box.

To install and configure your application in the deployment environment, follow the steps defined in the Deploying Rich Client Applications concept paper (except for the broker-related parts).

Post Installation Configuration Steps

Installing the Server License

Magic xpa requires a license to run.

  1. Copy the license file that you received after purchase, and copy it to all of the servers, or to the shared location. It is good practice to put the license file on a path where all servers will have access to it so that each server does not need its own license file.

  2. Modify the magic.ini file with the license file location and feature name by updating the [MAGIC_ENV] LicenseFile entry to point to the shared license file. For example: LicenseFile =\\\licenses\License.dat and the [MAGIC_ENV] LicenseName to the production license name. For example LicenseName = MGRIA.

Note: Aside from the server hosting the license according to the license’s HOSTID flag, any other server that loads will simply ignore this license.

Configuring Multiple Network Cards (Optional)

If your application servers have multiple network cards, configure the use of a specific card for the Magic xpa server, as follows:

  1. Modify the XAP_NIC_ADDRESS value found in the <Magic xpa installation>\GigaSpaces-xpa\bin\setenv.bat file to hold either the IP assigned to this network card or the name of the network card itself. For example: XAP_NIC_ADDRESS= or XAP_NIC_ADDRESS="#eth0:ip#", where eth0 is the name of the network card.

    Tip: You can find the network cards’ IPs and names by running the following script: platform-info.bat –verbose

    Then, look for the section called Network Interfaces Information. The platform-info.bat files should be extracted from the <Magic xpa installation folder>\GigaSpaces\bin\ file.

  2. Add the XAP_NIC_ADDRESS value to the magic.ini file’s jvm_args section: -Djava.rmi.server.hostname=<your network card IP address here>

    Note: The host name or IP address should not be surrounded by quotation marks.
