
Input - Display Form Properties (Magic xpa 4.x)

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Created BySalesforce Service User
Approval Process StatusPublished

Input (Magic xpa 4.x)

The following properties appear in the Input section for Display forms.



Mobile Support

Title Bar

Specifies whether a display form has a title bar. Without a title bar the end user cannot move the form, and you cannot display Minimize and Maximize buttons.

Note: If you set this property to No, you will not be able to manually resize the form.

This property is not relevant when the task is opened in a Subform control.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

See also How Do I Remove the Window Title?

Android and iOS

System Menu

Specifies if a display form will include a System Menu button on the left side of the title bar. When clicked, a Windows System menu appears.

This property is not relevant when the task is opened in a Subform control.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Platform specific: On iOS devices, the 'Back' and 'X' buttons are shown in a navigation view.

Android and iOS

Minimize Button

Specifies if a display form will include a Minimize button on its upper right hand corner.

This property is not relevant when the task is opened in a Subform control.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Maximize Button

Specifies if a display form will include a Maximize button on its upper right hand corner.

This property is not relevant when the task is opened in a Subform control.

This property is not available in Web Client tasks.

Average Palette

In some forms that include many graphic images, the images may use different color palettes whose combination produces unsuitable resolution in the form. In such cases, you can set Average Palette to True to enable Magic xpa to use the palette that gives the average color for a selected graphic image.

This property is available for GUI Display forms only.

Default Button

For forms that have numerous Push Button controls, it is advantageous to be able to designate a single button, such as OK, Next, or Finish, to be the default button that is pressed when the user presses the Enter key.

This property lets you specify the Default Button by selecting a Push Button control name for a task from the Control list. This list contains the names of Push Button controls that have a value set in the Event property. You can also specify an expression that determines the control name at runtime. See also Default Button.

Right to Left

Specifies whether the form should draw right-to-left for RTL languages.

The default value in the Hebrew mgconst file is True.

The default value in all other mgconst files is False.

It is advisable to use the same const file for development and deployment.

Right to Left property is not supported at runtime for Web Client tasks.
