Initiate Main Program (Magic xpa 4.x)
The Initiate Main Program property defines whether the Main Program of the new context will be executed or whether it will be copied.
This property is enabled when the Parallel Execution property is selected.
If this property is selected, the Main Program is executed in the new context. All components are loaded (according to their Load Immediate status). Components that are initialized “on demand” in a new context are initialized in this context when needed and have no effect on other contexts.
If the program is called from a menu or a request, the variables are copied from the “main” context.
If this property is not selected, the Main Program is not executed in the new context and the Main Program variables of the new context will get the variable values of the calling context's Main Program. Not all values of variables may be copied to the new context. OLE and .NET variables are not copied. So if they have previously been instantiated, they will not be instantiated in the new context:
Variables with a BLOB attribute that contains a Java pseudo reference will be Initiated according to the Init property.
Variables with a BLOB attribute that contains an OLE reference will not be copied. If the Instantiation property is set to Auto, a new handle will be created in the new context.

If this property is not selected, the Task Prefix logic unit of the Main Program will not be executed, but the Task Suffix logic unit of the Main Program will be executed when the context is closed.
This property is not supported in Rich Client and Web Client tasks.